There area many success person said that the key factor of the success is dream. Thomas Alfa Edison said that success is determined with 95% dream and the rest is just technical.
“What is dream?” Did you ever ask to any body this following question “What is your dream?” and they replied: “Become rich”.
“What is dream?” Dream is something that you really want, both material and nonmaterial, so that you willing to work hard to realize it, whatever it cost. Dream is not just a want, however, it is a desire. In order to be able to have a dream you need to forget your actual condition. You hate to free your mind and there is nothing impossible as long as you believe in and struggle for it.
Why we need a dream?
1. An entrepreneur is not has boss, so that if you are an entrepreneur, nobody will angry when you did not work. Therefore, it is your decision to determine how big business you will operate.
2. Dream makes us release from the comfortable zone.
The main obstacle for individual to develop her/his-self is comfortable zone. She/he does routine activities without realizing that she/he is not doing the best for her/his-self yet. Strong dream can make you free from comfortable zone, releasing all of your potential, and reach out all the best for your life.
The last question is, “Do you have a dream?” What is your dream? Are you ready to struggle to realize it?
3. Change!!!
Albert Einstein said that the definition of new insanity is when a person wants to have different result but still doing same things. How about you? Do you want a change in your life? Have you done things differently? Many people want a change in their life, but not willing to change her/his-self.
There area three ways to make a change in your life: (1) Start from yourself, (2) Start from smallest things and (3) Start right now.
Initially, a change is not comfortable situation, however, you will accustom to it and you increasing feel comfortable.
Do you know that only one thing in the world that truly impossible to be change? It is your past! In addition, the good news is, it is ended right now. You are free to decide what future you have and the true is your future is collection of today. Then do your best right now. Filling your day with do best things for your future and bright future will be yours. Happy change!
“What is dream?” Did you ever ask to any body this following question “What is your dream?” and they replied: “Become rich”.
“What is dream?” Dream is something that you really want, both material and nonmaterial, so that you willing to work hard to realize it, whatever it cost. Dream is not just a want, however, it is a desire. In order to be able to have a dream you need to forget your actual condition. You hate to free your mind and there is nothing impossible as long as you believe in and struggle for it.
Why we need a dream?
1. An entrepreneur is not has boss, so that if you are an entrepreneur, nobody will angry when you did not work. Therefore, it is your decision to determine how big business you will operate.
2. Dream makes us release from the comfortable zone.
The main obstacle for individual to develop her/his-self is comfortable zone. She/he does routine activities without realizing that she/he is not doing the best for her/his-self yet. Strong dream can make you free from comfortable zone, releasing all of your potential, and reach out all the best for your life.
The last question is, “Do you have a dream?” What is your dream? Are you ready to struggle to realize it?
3. Change!!!
Albert Einstein said that the definition of new insanity is when a person wants to have different result but still doing same things. How about you? Do you want a change in your life? Have you done things differently? Many people want a change in their life, but not willing to change her/his-self.
There area three ways to make a change in your life: (1) Start from yourself, (2) Start from smallest things and (3) Start right now.
Initially, a change is not comfortable situation, however, you will accustom to it and you increasing feel comfortable.
Do you know that only one thing in the world that truly impossible to be change? It is your past! In addition, the good news is, it is ended right now. You are free to decide what future you have and the true is your future is collection of today. Then do your best right now. Filling your day with do best things for your future and bright future will be yours. Happy change!
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